Empowering artisan bakeries in documentation of European hygienic standards (HACCP).

A service for artisan bakeries. It provides sensors to turn acutally used devices to smart devices, in order to manage the documenation process of HACCP. Many local business struggle with the European standards, due to missing digitalisation. Bakeries close their local production, leading to a decline of many artisan businesses, because regualtions are to hard to track without expensive machines small businesses can not afford.


BOB - Bakery Operations Buddy

The service helps artisan bakeries by providing a smart and modular sensory system which makes the documentation as well as the inspection and monitoring of hygienic data easier. At the same time the owner can manage deliveries and distribute tasks that are shown afterwards in the production area.

Together with a local bakery, we imagined a near-future service to help them increase productivity while putting the joy of craftsmanship first. The course Invention Design 2 deals with current technologies, analyzes their societal relevance, and enables the design of innovative products.

The small bakeries in Germany can not hold up to the documentation standards of expensive devices. Artisan bakeries usually depend on manual, analog methods to track hygiene standards.

Interview Insights

During the interview, we encountered several problem areas, one of which interested us the most because it did not force bakers to change anything about their craftsmanship, but rather put them at the centre of it.

Interviewing a local bakery. Not all can afford high-end tech, but simple inventions matter. Attaching a service to already existing devices. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of hazards from production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. HACCP is mandatory in Germany, local and small businesses struggle with the documentation process, due to non-smart devices.

An application at the center of the service. A tablet to have an overview of all documentation.

Baking our own bread, to understand and empathize on the hard-skill, bread making.

Currently, managers have to check everything seperate and frequently. Causing tasks that prevent the job of the acutall craftsmenship.

Manager overview. All data in one place.


University Project Course “Invention Design 2” at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd. Supervised by: Prof. Michael Schuster


I was mostly responsible for concepting the service and research. I created flows and visualisations. Everyone was involved in the interview, as well as the application design.


Freya Michl, Lucia Hossainova


2023/08 16 weeks